Statement by an independent delegation Ukrainian women in the UN

Women. Geopolitics. Peace.

We, members of the expanded independent delegation of Ukrainian women to the UN,are taking part in the work of the 67th Session of the UN Commission on Women, express our high concern about the geopolitical situation in the world and in particular in Ukraine, where a bloody genocide of the Ukrainian people is curremtly being commited by our unfriendly neighboring state - a UN member state - Russia.

We, the women of Ukraine, express our high indignation of the inefficiency of the UN international mechanism of blocking the bloody actions of Russia against Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Transnistria and other countries of military aggression in the intervention of the Russian Federation.

We, the women of Ukraine, express high dissatisfaction with the inability to close the sky over Ukraine and stop the nuclear threats to our country - by a member of the UN - Russia.

As of October, 14, 2022, 418 children have been killed by the Russian armed forces, more than 789 have been injured. 2,328 educational institutions have been damaged and 289 of them were completely destroyed. Since the beginning of the war, 978 healthcare facilities have been damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of Ukrainians die every day. The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine has documented more than 13,000 crimes committed by the occupiers during the period of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. It is believed that demining operations of Ukrainian territories will last at least 100 years. The total amount of destruction is more than 127 billion U.S. dollars. The moral and material harm of the loss of loved ones has no units of measurement.

“The sunshine boy was born ten years ago. In the family of an IT specialist and an English teacher. He was a little miracle - with his bright red hair and his huge green eyes. From his very first day the family did everything for the sunshine boy. English classes, piano lessons, chess, robotics - he was so eager to try everything. He got his main part in the Gruffalo and performed on the biggest stage of his city at the age of 7. This is when the sunshine boy found out he was really talented. He joined a theater school and became a little star. At the age of 9 he played a main part in a production of the Nutcracker. This is when he fell in love with Chiakovsky music. 

His childhood ended on February 24th, 2022. His mother wanted to take him away from the country, but he refused to leave his dad. So they moved to the capital - to a ‘safe’ place. The sunshine boy was never the same. He was afraid of alarms, of loud noises. He missed his friends and his theater. The sunshine boy was killed by a Russian missile on October 10th, 2022 in Kyiv on his way to school…”, - and this is only one single story, but there are already thousands of such, and there will be many more if we do not stop it once and for all – together . 

 We, the women of Ukraine, appeal to the UN Secretary General and all UN member countries with a request to urgently amend the UN Charter, which makes it impossible for the United Nations member countries to massacre children and civilians, destroy their lives, destroy the country's economy, and the annexation of territories of independent states by another country.

We, the women of Ukraine, urgently demand the initiation and implementation of the UN legal mechanism to punish UN member countries for the mass destruction of people, buildings, critical infrastructure, cities and towns, and the illegal military annexation of territories.

We, the women of Ukraine, demand to deprive the Russian Federation of the right to vote in the UN, the right to form delegations to the UN, as well as the right of veto in the UN.

We, the women of Ukraine, demand that Russia, a UN member state, and its military and political leadership be held accountable for mass terror on the territory of our state.

We, the women of Ukraine, demand full material and moral compensation for Ukrainian families, communities and the country as a whole for the damage caused by Russia; acknowledging that the psychological toll on our people can not be made whole. 

The Russian Federation should NOT be a member of the UN Security Council! WE MUST BE HEARD!!!

All the people of the democratic world demand justice for the violation of the norms of international law established by the UN. All people of the democratic world are experiencing a great danger to the lives of their families from the nuclear blackmail of the imperial ambitions of the Russian elite, which claims to be the elitism in the world. This threat is clear and present, but it must remain in the past.

The modern world should not be a world of barbarians, hordes and bloody killers. The modern world should be a world of respect, mutual assistance, transparent communication and interaction. The modern world should be a monopoly for humanity, not for autocratic elitism.

Right now, millions of us Ukrainians in all corners of the world are receiving incredible help from ordinary people who demonstrate the openness of their hearts and the sincerity of love for their neighbor. The generosity of help is amazing. On behalf of everyone who received assistance, we deeply express gratitude to the world community.

We feel that the grief of Ukrainians is the misfortune of the free, democratic world. All the people of the world share our grief. We feel how the people of the whole world are focused on establishing justice and punishing those who make bloody efforts. Efforts to get the opportunity to become the predominant hegemon of the geopolitical world.

We see how the world is changing. We see that modern male-dominated leadership institutions do not respond to the needs of the modern world. We see that governmental systems do not meet the needs of all individuals. We see that punitive state mechanisms are intensifying, which in turn lead to an increase in distance between the authorities and the community. We see a growing distrust of elites and state institutions.

We, the women of Ukraine, appeal to the women of the world to strengthen our joint efforts to create balance in the world. We must take responsibility for all human life. We must become leaders in partnerships, where the norms of human relations are maintained and actions are aimed at saving the lives of the next generations.